
Monday, April 23, 2012

Similarities, Differences, Judgment


  1. Hello Ms. Smith! You seem to be a very influential jazz musician. I admire the messages in your work. I really wish I knew more about you, though!

  2. Ms. Smith, even though I am a visual artist and I cannot relate to being talented in the music world, I would like to address that you are an amazing jazz singer! which I admire you for considering that I cannot hit a note if my life depended on it.

  3. Dear Ms. Smith;
    I have never had the honor of meeting you, but I have heard a great deal of your superb music. I admire your ability to grow through your art, and go on a journey of exploring your own talents. We do not share the same art form, and unfortunately have never been able to work together in any way. I adore your music, and cannot wait to hear more of it!

  4. Dear Ms. Smith,
    I absolutly love your work. You and I both share the same love of theatre! It seems that you love to perform jazz music, unfortunetly, I do not share the same talent as you. I am an Architect that builds theatres. You seem to have a great amount of talent. I would love to learn more about you!


  5. Dear Ms. Smith,
    I admire the fact that you are a very hard worker as I am and has mastered your talent as I did. For that I highly respect you and even though we have different abilities in the arts world we are very much alike. You are an amazing jazz singer, though I am not used to this genre of music, being that I was born on a completely different continent from you across the ocean.

  6. Hello Ms. Smith. I am to understand that you are a singer. I sang in musicals all the time on Broadway. Of coarse that is no where near your increadible jazz career but I thought I should point that out. I think it's wonderful how you started off dancing and turned it into this wonderful career. You have my respect
